Corporate Social Responsibility: The hotel recognises its obligation to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and we take all practical measures to achieve this aim. We have been accredited by The Green Business Scheme and awarded Bronze level recognition. (
Prior to these assessments we conducted our own audit and implemented the following:
Recycling of glass; compacting and recycling of cardboard.
- Purchase of cleaning products in bulk for dispensing in re-usable spray bottles.
- Compacting of food and general waste to reduce transport and disposal volumes.
- Use of low energy light bulbs wherever possible.
- Control of external lighting using timers and sensors and use of low energy bulbs
- Measures to minimise unnecessary laundering of linen and towels.
- Electrical isolation of TV sets rather than use of stand-by mode.
- Recycling of waste cooking oil.
- Elimination of unnecessary lighting during daylight hours.
- Purchase of maximum economy (A-rated) equipment wherever possible.
- Donation of old computer equipment, linen, beds and furniture to local charities.
- Recycling of ink cartridges.
- Incorporation of low-flush buttons on toilets and flow regulators on cold taps.
- Up-grading of the central heating system to include temperature sensors and compensator devices to control the operation of the boilers and to limit unnecessary heat emission from the radiators.
- Improvements to roof insulation wherever possible.
- Use of recycled paper for the majority of stationery and printing requirements and for general purpose paper products.
- Training of individual staff and departments to be environmentally aware and to assist in achieving our aims.
The environmental policy needs to be assessed on a continuous basis and, by working towards higher recognition levels under The Green Business Scheme, the hotel will continue to raise its standards.
To see a presentation by our manager on the need to maintain a good environmental policy click here to view our video